Standard HTML 3.2 Elements

<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <AREA>, <B>, <BASE>, <BASEFONT>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <BR>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIR>, <DIV>, <DL>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>, <HEAD>, <HR>, <HTML>, <I>, <IMG>, <INPUT>, <ISINDEX>, <KBD>, <LI> <LINK>, <LISTING> (deprecated), <MAP>, <MENU>, <META>, <OL>, <OPTION>, <P>, <PARAM>, <PLAINTEXT> (deprecated), <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SCRIPT>, <SELECT>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <STYLE>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TABLE>, <TD>, <TEXTAREA>, <TH>, <TITLE>, <TR>, <TT>, <U>, <UL>, <VAR>, <XMP> (deprecated)

The HTML Element



<HTML> <HEAD> ... <TITLE> ... </TITLE> ... </HEAD> <BODY> ... </BODY> </HTML>
  • VERSION="version"
May Appear In:
See below
May Contain:
<BODY>, <HEAD>, <PLAINTEXT> (deprecated)

The <HTML> element must be the outermost element of a HTML 3.2 Draft document, and must be preceded by a SGML statement of the form:


If the VERSION attribute is used in a HTML 3.2 Draft document, it should be given a value of "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN". The <HTML> and </HTML> tags may be omitted, but this is generally considered bad practice.

Top Level Elements

<BODY>, <HEAD>, <PLAINTEXT> (deprecated)


<BODY> ... </BODY>
  • ALINK="color"
  • BGCOLOR="color"
  • LINK="color"
  • TEXT="color"
  • VLINK="color"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <BODY> and </BODY> tags may be omitted, but this is generally considered bad practice. This element may appear only once, right after the document's <HEAD> element. The BGCOLOR attribute can be used to select a background color for a page, or, alternately, the BACKGROUND attribute can be used to indicate an image, which will be tiled to fill the document's background. The TEXT attribute specifies a color to use for text on a given page. The LINK, VLINK, and ALINK attributes can be used to specify text colors for unvisited, visited, and currently selected links, respectively. These are specified by a # character, followed by the red, green, and blue values of the desired color as pairs of hexadecimal digits, i.e. "#ff0000" for red. The 16 color names black, silver, gray, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, and aqua may also be used. Note that although text and text level elements may be placed directly within the <BODY> element, this is generally considered bad style; the <BODY> element should contain block level elements, such as <P>, which should be used to add structure to the text of the document.


<HEAD> <TITLE> ... </TITLE> ... </HEAD>
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<BASE>, <ISINDEX>, <LINK>, <META>, <SCRIPT>, <STYLE> <TITLE> (required)

The <HEAD> element must be present, and may appear only once, right after the opening <HTML> tag. It is used to contain elements giving information about the current document. At the least, the <TITLE> element must be used, to give the title of the document. Only one each of the <BASE>, <ISINDEX>, and <TITLE> elements may be present. The <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags may be omitted, but this is generally considered bad practice. Even if the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags are omitted, the <TITLE> element must be present.

Head Elements



  • HREF="URL" (required)
May Appear In:

The <BASE> element is used to specify the original URL of the current document. All relative URLs within the document will be accessed as if this were the URL of the document.


  • PROMPT="prompt string"
May Appear In:

The <ISINDEX> element is used to indicate that a document should be searchable. It provides a text entry field with a label of prompt string, which can be used to enter a string, which will be submitted as a CGI query to the base URL of the current document. Note that the <ISINDEX> tag may appear in the body or the head of a document.


  • HREF="URL"
  • ID="SGML ID"
  • REL="forward relationship"
  • REV="reverse relationship"
  • TITLE="advisory title"
May Appear In:

The <LINK> element is used to express a relation with another document. There may be multiple link tags, each specifying another document's URL with the HREF attribute, and the relation that document holds to the current document with the REL and REV attributes. The ID and TITLE attributes can be used to give more information about the given document.


<META CONTENT="string">
  • CONTENT="content" (required)
  • HTTP-EQUIV="header-type"
  • NAME="name"
May Appear In:

The <META> element is used to provide additional information about a document. The NAME attribute specifies the type of information being provided, and the CONTENT attribute specifies the information itself. Alternately, the HTTP-EQUIV attribute can be used to treat the content as if it had been passed by http server in a header of type header-type.


May Appear In:
May Contain:
text, character entities

The <SCRIPT> element has no function. It is a placeholder for functionality to be provided by a future standard. Note that the <SCRIPT> tag may appear in the body or the head of a document.


<STYLE> ... </STYLE>
May Appear In:
text, character entities

The <STYLE> element has no function. It is a placeholder for functionality to be provided by a future standard.


<TITLE> ... </TITLE>
May Appear In:
May Contain:
text, character entities

The <TITLE> tag contains a brief description of the document to be displayed apart from the document text. Usually, this is displayed as a window title, or in a status bar. Every document is required to have a <TITLE> element, even if the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags are omitted.


<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6

<H1> ... </H1>
<H2> ... </H2>
<H3> ... </H3>
<H4> ... </H4>
<H5> ... </H5>
<H6> ... </H6>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The heading tags provide section heads within an HTML document. The different levels of headers indicate different levels of importance, from <H1> (the most important) through <H6> (the least). Generally, more important headers are rendered in larger typefaces. The ALIGN attribute can be used too select the text alignment of the header. The default is left alignment.

The ADDRESS Element



May Appear In:
May Contain:
<P>, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <ADDRESS> element is used to specify contact information for the author of the current document. Most browsers render the <ADDRESS> element similar to the <P> element.

Block Level Elements

<BLOCKQUOTE>, <CENTER>, <DIR>, <DIV>, <DL>, <FORM>, <HR>, <ISINDEX>, <LISTING> (deprecated), <MENU>, <OL>, <P>, <PRE>, <TABLE>, <UL>, <XMP> (deprecated)


May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <BLOCKQUOTE> element is used to indicate an excerpt from another work. It is usually rendered indented and set off from the surrounding text.


May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <CENTER> element is used to center a block of content. It is functionally identical to the <DIV> element with the ALIGN attribute set to "center". Generally, it is better to use the more general purpose <DIV> element, or to use the ALIGN attribute of the <P>, <TABLE> and heading elements.


<DIR> ... </DIR>
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <DIR> element is designed to produce a multi-column directory listing. Most browsers, however, render this element identically to the <UL> element. The COMPACT attribute can be used to reduce space between lines, and otherwise reduce the size of the listing. Within a directory listing, <LI> elements are used to specify list items.


<DIV> ... </DIV>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <DIV> element is used to mark divisions within an HTML document. The ALIGN attribute may be used to assign a default alignment for elements within the division. Other than this, <DIV> has no effect on a documents appearance.


<DL> ... </DL>
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<DD>, <DT>

The <DL> element produces a list of term-definition pairs, with the terms emphasized, followed by an offset definition. Within the definition list, matched pairs of <DT> and <DD> elements are used to specify term-definition pairs. The COMPACT attribute can be specified to produce a shorter, denser list format.


<FORM> ... </FORM>
  • ENCTYPE="content-type"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <CENTER>, <DIR>, <DIV>, <DL>, <HR>, <ISINDEX>, <LISTING>, <MENU>, <OL>, <P>, <PRE>, <TABLE>, <UL>, <XMP>, Form Elements, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

The <FORM> element is used to produce data-entry forms, which can be filled in by the user. Within a form, the Form Elements, <INPUT>, <SELECT>, and <TEXTAREA> can be used to present data entry fields. In particular, an <INPUT> element with the TYPE attribute set to "SUBMIT", should be provided, or the user will not be able to submit their entries. The ACTION attribute is used to specify a destination for the submitted form. By default, the user data will be encoded with application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME encoding, and passed to this URL with the GET HTTP method. These defaults can be overridden with the ENCTYPE and METHOD attributes, respectively. If the submission method is GET, the returned document will generally be displayed in place of the current document.


  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
  • SIZE="size"
  • WIDTH="width"
May Appear In:

The <HR> element produces a horizontal rule, often used to divide sections of a document. The ALIGN attribute can be used to control the justification of this rule, while the WIDTH attribute, whose value can be expressed in pixels, or as a percentage of the browser's width, followed by '%', and the SIZE attribute, whose value is expressed in pixels, can be used to control the width and height of the rule, respectively. The NOSHADE attribute can be used to specify a flat-colored line instead of the three-dimensional bars or grooves used by default on many browsers.


<MENU> ... </MENU>
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <MENU> element is designed to produce a single-column menu listing. Most browsers, however, render this element identically to the <UL> element. The COMPACT attribute can be used to reduce space between lines, and otherwise reduce the size of the listing. Within a directory listing, <LI> elements are used to specify list items.


<OL> ... </OL>
  • START="number"
  • TYPE="1 | A | a | I | i"
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <OL> element is used to create an ordered, or numbered list. Items within the list will be numbered starting at 1, unless the START attribute is used to pick another base. The TYPE attribute is used to specify the numbering style. Available styles are numeric (1, alphabetic, in upper or lower case (A or a), and roman numerals, in upper or lower case (I or i). The COMPACT attribute can be used to reduce space between lines, and otherwise reduce the size of the listing. Within an ordered list, <LI> elements are used to specify list items.


<P> ... </P>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
Text level elements, text and character entities

The <P>, or paragraph tag is used as a container for text and text level elements. The ALIGN attribute can be used to specify the alignment of text within the resulting paragraph.


<PRE> ... </PRE>
  • WIDTH="number"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<A>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BASEFONT>, <BR>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DFN>, <EM>, <I>, <INPUT>, <KBD>, <MAP>, <SAMP>, <SCRIPT>, <SELECT>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <TEXTAREA>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>, text, character entities

The <PRE> element can be used to provide text which the browser should not reformat. With the exception of newline characters immediately after the opening <PRE> tag or immediately before the closing </PRE> tag, text, the spacing and line-breaks of text and elements within the <PRE> element is preserved exactly as provided. The WIDTH attribute can be used to provide a hint to the browser of how many columns the text within the element requires.


<TABLE> ... <TR> ... </TR> ... </TABLE>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
  • BORDER="border-width"
  • CELLPADDING="padding"
  • CELLSPACING="spacing"
  • WIDTH="width"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<CAPTION>, <TR> (required)

The <TABLE> element provides multi-row, multi-column tables within an HTML document. Within a <TABLE> element, the <TR> attribute is used to provide a row of data elements. At least one such row must be provided. In addition, the <CAPTION> element may be used to provide a caption for the table. The ALIGN attribute may be used to specify the position of the resulting table. The WIDTH attribute may be used to specify the total width of the table being produced. This can be given as a number of pixels, or as a percentage of the current width of the browser, followed by a % character. The BORDER attribute may be used to specify that a border with a width of width pixels should be drawn around the table. Many browsers also render divisions between frames using the same border width. The BORDER attribute may also be specified without a value to indicate that a border of default size should be used, but this should be avoided. The CELLPADDING attribute can be used to specify the width in pixels between a cell's contents and the edge of that cell. The CELLSPACING attribute may similarly be used to specify the amount of space between cells, in pixels.


<UL> ... </UL>
  • TYPE="circle | disc | square"
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <UL>, is used to present un unordered, i.e. unnumbered list of items. This list should be rendered with one item per line, and a bullet before each item. The TYPE attribute can be used to specify a style of bullet for the list. In addition, the COMPACT attribute can be used to specify that the list should be rendered in a more compact style, generally by reducing spacing between lines. Within the <UL> element, <LI> elements should be used to specify items in the list.

Text Level Elements

<A>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BASEFONT>, <BIG>, <BR>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DFN>, <EM>, <FONT>, <I>, <IMG>, <KBD>, <MAP>, <SAMP>, <SCRIPT>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>


<A> ... </A>
  • HREF="URL"
  • NAME="name"
  • REL="forward relationship"
  • REV="reverse relationship"
  • TITLE="advisory title"
May Appear In:
<ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
<APPLET>, <B>, <BASEFONT>, <BIG>, <BR>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DFN>, <EM>, <FONT>, <I>, <IMG>, <KBD>, <MAP>, <SAMP>, <SCRIPT>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR> text, character entities

The <A> element provides one end of a hypertext link. The HREF attribute is used to present a `hotspot', the source end of a link. When HREF is used, all text within the <A> element will be marked by the browser as active, and will jump to the specified URL in response to the user selecting the link. The NAME attribute is used to present the target end of such a link. An anchor thus provided with a name can be linked to, even within a specified document. As with the <LINK> element, the REL and REV attributes can be used to indicate the relation between the current document and the target of the link, and the TITLE attribute can be used to provide a hint to the browser as to the title of the target document.


<APPLET CODE="class file" WIDTH="width" HEIGHT="height"> ... </APPLET>
  • ALIGN="bottom | left | middle | right | top"
  • ALT="alternate text"
  • CODE="class file" (required)
  • HEIGHT="height" (required)
  • HSPACE="horizontal padding"
  • NAME="applet name"
  • VSPACE="vertical padding"
  • WIDTH="width" (required)
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
<PARAM>, Text level elements, text, character entities.

The <APPLET> element is used to embed a Java applet in an HTML document. An instance of the Java class specified with the CODE attribute is created, taken from the Java class hierarchy at the location specified with the CODEBASE attribute, or relative to the current URL if no CODEBASE attribute is provided. In addition to the class name, the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes must be used, to indicate how much space (in pixels) to reserve for the applet. The ALIGN attribute can be used, as with an image, to indicate the applets position relative to the surrounding text, and the HSPACE and VSPACE attributes can be used to indicate how much blank space (in pixels) should be set aside around the actual applet. In addition, the NAME attribute can be used to provide the browser with a name for the applet apart from the class name. As with images, the ALT attribute should always be used to provide text to be displayed by browsers which do not support Java applets. Within the <APPLET> element, <PARAM> elements are used to pass information directly to the applet to control its behavior. Other than <PARAM> elements, the contents of this element are ignored by Java-capable browsers, so text and elements within an <APPLET> element can be used to provide content to be shown in place of the applet on browsers which cannot handle Java. Since most current browsers do not handle Java, it is considered poor style not to provide such an alternative.


<B> ... </B>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <B> element is used to indicate to the browser that the contained text should be rendered in a bold typeface. In general, <STRONG>, or <EM> should be used to provide emphasis, rather than <B>, as not all browsers support a bold typeface, and these elements provide the browser with more information about the desired level of emphasis.


  • SIZE="size"
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>

The <BASEFONT> element is used to specify the base font size which should be used when rendering subsequent text. The SIZE attribute is used to specify a size between 1 and 7 to be used by default when rendering normal and preformatted text (but not headers). In addition, when the <FONT> element is used with a signed SIZE attribute, the new font size is determined relative to the base size. If no SIZE attribute is given, a default value of 3 is used. Note that many browsers do not support changes in font size, so it is poor style to depend on the <BASEFONT> element.


<BIG> ... </BIG>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <BIG> element is used to provide text in a larger typeface than the surrounding text. Note that most text-based browsers are incapable of this distinction.


  • CLEAR="all | left | none | right"
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>

The <BR> element is used to produce a line break within an HTML document.


<CITE> ... </CITE>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <CITE> element is used to mark text that is a citation or reference to another document.


<CODE> ... </CODE>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <CODE> element is used to mark short selections of program source code.


<DFN> ... </DFN>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <DFN> element is used to mark text that is the defining instance of a particular word or phrase.


<EM> ... </EM>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <EM> element is used to indicate to the browser that the enclosed text should be emphasized. Most graphical browsers indicate this by rendering the text in an italic typeface.


<FONT> ... </FONT>
  • COLOR="color"
  • SIZE="size"
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <FONT> element is used to produce local changes in typeface. The COLOR attribute may be used to change the color of the enclosed text to the specified color, which should be specified as a # character, followed by the red, green, and blue values of the desired color, as pairs of hexadecimal digits. The SIZE attribute may be used to change the size of enclosed text. The specified size value should be either a value between 1 and 7, as with the <BASEFONT> element, or a number preceded by a + or - character, which will be added to or subtracted from the current base font size to give a value between 1 and 7, which will be used as the font size. Note that many browsers do not support changes in font size or color, so it is poor style to depend on the <FONT> element.


<I> ... </I>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <I> element is used to indicate to the browser that the contained text should be rendered in an italic typeface. In general, <STRONG>, or <EM> should be used to provide emphasis, rather than <I>, as not all browsers support an italic typeface, and these elements provide the browser with more information about the desired level of emphasis.


  • ALIGN="bottom | left | right | middle | top"
  • ALT="alternate text"
  • BORDER="border width"
  • HEIGHT="height"
  • HSPACE="horizontal padding"
  • SRC="URL" (required)
  • VSPACE="vertical padding"
  • WIDTH="width"
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>

The <IMG> element is used to produce an image in an HTML document. The SRC attribute must be present, and is used to indicate the location of the image to be displayed. In addition to the image location, the ALT attribute should always be used to provide text to be displayed by browsers which do not support images. The ALIGN element is used to specify the alignment of the image relative to the surrounding text. The WIDTH and HEIGTH attributes can be used to inform the browser of the size of the image, in pixels. It is generally a good idea to use these attributes, as many browsers can display the page smoothly while loading if this information is available. The HSPACE and VSPACE attributes can be used to specify how much padding should be displayed around the image. In addition, the BORDER attribute specifies the width, in pixels, of the border that will be drawn around the image if it is part of a hyperlink. A width of zero indicates that no border should be drawn. The ISMAP and USEMAP attributes are used to create an imagemap. The ISMAP attribute indicates that the current image is a server-side image map, and that the coordinates of any user mouse clicks should be sent to the CGI program at the URL provided in a surrounding <A> element. The USEMAP attribute, which overrides the ISMAP attribute if both are present, indicates that the image is a client-side image map. The URL given should point to a MAP attribute, which will be used to resolve pointer clicks. Although this MAP element can be in any document, many browsers do not currently support images-mapping with <MAP> elements outside of the current document.


<KBD> ... </KBD>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <KBD> element is used to indicate text that would be entered at the keyboard, such as sample command lines.


<MAP> ... </MAP>
  • NAME="name"
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:

The <MAP> element is used to define the mapping of a client-side image map. The NAME attribute is used within the <MAP> element to specify the name of the current map. This name should then be specified in a USEMAP attribute within the image-mapped image. Within the <MAP> element, <AREA> elements are used to define locations within the image which will respond to user interaction. The <MAP> element associated with an image does not have to be in the same document as the image, but many browsers still do not support mapping using <MAP> elements in seperate documents. To associate the resulting map with an image, the image must have a USEMAP attribute whose value is the URL of the map.


<SAMP> ... </SAMP>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <SAMP> element is used to mark text which represents sample output from a program.


<SMALL> ... </SMALL>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <SMALL> element is used to provide text in a smaller typeface than the surrounding text. Note that most text-based browsers are incapable of this distinction.


May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <STRIKE> element is used to provide stricken-through text, i.e. text with a line through it. Note that the W3C has indicated that in a future version of the HTML standard, <STRIKE> may be replaced with the <S> element from the now-defunct HTML 3.0 draft standard.


May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <STRONG> element is used to indicate to the browser that the enclosed text should be strongly emphasized. Most graphical browsers indicate this by rendering the text in a bold typeface.


<SUB> ... </SUB>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <SUB> element is used to indicate text that should be rendered in a subscript face, i.e. below the baseline of the surrounding text. Note that most text-based browsers are incapable of this distinction.


<SUP> ... </SUP>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <SUP> element is used to indicate text that should be rendered in a superscript face, i.e. above the baseline of the surrounding text. Note that most text-based browsers are incapable of this distinction.


<TT> ... </TT>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <TT> element is used to produce text in a monospaced, or `teletype' font. In general, it is better to use <CODE>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, or <KBD>, depending on context instead of <TT>, as not all browsers support changes of font, and these elements give more information as to the desired effect.


<U> ... </U>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <U> element is used to indicate to the browser that the contained text should be rendered in an underlined typeface. In general, <STRONG>, or <EM> should be used to provide emphasis, rather than <U>, as not all browsers support underlined text, and these elements provide the browser with more information about the desired level of emphasis.


<VAR> ... </VAR>
May Appear In:
<A>, <ADDRESS>, <APPLET>, <B>, <BIG>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BODY>, <CAPTION>, <CENTER>, <CITE>, <CODE>, <DD>, <DFN>, <DIV>, <DT>, <EM>, <FONT>, <FORM>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6> <I>, <KBD>, <LI>, <P>, <PRE>, <SAMP>, <SMALL>, <STRIKE>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <TD>, <TH>, <TT>, <U>, <VAR>
May Contain:
Text level elements, text, character entities

The <VAR> element is used to indicate text which represents a variable in a program, or an argument to a command.

Applet Member Elements



<PARAM NAME="name">
  • NAME="name" (required)
  • VALUE="value"
May Appear In:

Within an <APPLET> element, the <PARAM> element can be used to pass information to a running Java applet. Each <PARAM> element provides a single parameter to the applet. The name of the parameter is specified using the NAME attribute. A value can be associated with this name using the VALUE attribute. At runtime, the applet may use the getParameter() routine of the Applet class to fetch the value of its <PARAM> elements. Note that the value of the NAME attribute is not case sensitive. Using multiple <PARAM> elements with NAME attributes whose values differ only in case may confuse Java interpreters.

Form Member Elements



<INPUT NAME="name">
  • ALIGN="bottom | left | middle | right | top"
  • MAXLENGTH="length"
  • NAME="name" (required unless TYPE is submit or reset)
  • SIZE="size"
  • SRC="URL"
  • TYPE="checkbox | file | hidden | image | password | radio | reset | submit | text"
  • VALUE="value" (required if TYPE is radio or checkbox)
May Appear In:

Within a <FORM> element, the <INPUT> element is used to provide a field for the viewer to enter data. A variety of types of fields are available, with the TYPE attribute used to choose which will be used for a given <INPUT> element. Possible values for TYPE are:

a checkbox, which may be either off or on by default, depending on whether the CHECKED attribute is present. The VALUE element must be specified, and determines what value to pass to the server if the box is checked. Multiple checkboxes can be grouped by assigning all checkboxes in the group the same name with the NAME attribute, but different values with the VALUE attribute.
a file selector, often rendered as a text input area with an option to browse for a filename. The SIZE attribute may be used to specify the width of this input field, in characters. The selected file will be submitted as part of the form data. The MAXLENGTH attribute may be used to specify a maximum length for the file's name, also in characters.
a hidden name-value pair. <INPUT> elements with a TYPE attribute of hidden are used to pass information to the CGI program which will be parsing the form data. No visible input item is produced, but the NAME and VALUE of the element are still present in the form data passed to the server.
an image, which functions the same as the submit input type if selected, but is rendered the same as an <IMG> element. As with the <IMG> element the SRC and ALIGN attributes are used to specify the image to be displayed, and its alignment relative to the surrounding text. Browsers which do not support images will generally display the value of the VALUE attribute instead. As with <INPUT> elements of type submit, if the NAME attribute is present, the name and value of the image will also be passed to the server.
a single-line text input field, as with the text input type, except that text entered by the user will not be displayed. The SIZE attribute may be used to specify the width of the entry field, in characters, and the MAXLENGTH element may be sed to specify the maximum length, in characters, of the entered text. The VALUE attribute may be used to provide a default value for the field.
a member of a group of exclusive choices. All radio buttons in the group should have the same value of the NAME attribute, but different values for the VALUE attribute. One radio button per group may be specified as checked by default by specifying the CHECKED attribute for that <INPUT> element. When the form is submitted, the value of the selected radio button will be associated with the name of the radio button group.
a reset button. When an <INPUT> element of type reset is selected, all fields of the associated form are reset to their default values. If the VALUE attribute is present, its value is used as the button's label.
a submit button. When an <INPUT> element of type submit is selected, the form data is passed to the server as a sequence of name-value pairs. If the VALUE attribute is present, its value is used as the button's label. If the NAME attribute is present, the submit button's name and value will also be passed to the server.
a single-line text input field. The SIZE attribute may be used to specify the width of the entry field, in characters, and the MAXLENGTH element may be used to specify the maximum length of the entered text, also in characters. The VALUE attribute may be used to provide a default value for the field.

<INPUT> elements of all types except submit and reset must have NAME attributes. The VALUEattribute may be used to provide a default value for the element, which will be overriden by the user input. When the submit button for a form is selected, the form's data is passed to the server as a series of name-value pairs.


  • VALUE="value"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
text, character entities

Within a <SELECT> element, <OPTION> elements are used to specify possible user choices for the resulting menu or listbox. The text enclosed within the <OPTION> element will be the text of the menu choice. When the form is submitted, this text will be passed to the server along with the enclosing <SELECT> element. If the VALUE attribute is provided, its value is passed to the server instead of the encclosed text. The SELECTED attribute may be provided to specify that the menu choice should be selected by default.


<SELECT NAME="name"> <OPTION> ... </OPTION> ... </SELECT>
  • NAME="name" (required)
  • SIZE="size"
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <SELECT> element is used to provide a set of choices from which the user may select. The NAME attribute must be specified, and will be passed to the server along with the user's selection when the form is submitted. The MULTIPLE attribute specifies that the user may select more than one choice at once. Most browsers render this element as a pop-up meny if MULTIPLE is not provided, or as a scrolling list if it is. The SIZE attribute may be used to specify how many choices are visible at once if multiple choices are allowed. When a <SELECT> element allowing multiple selections is submitted, a seperate name-value pair is passed to the server for each selected item. Within the <SELECT> element, <OPTION> elements are used to specify available choices.


  • COLS="width" (required)
  • NAME="name" (required)
  • ROWS="height" (required)
May Appear In:
May Contain:
text, character entities

The <TEXTAREA> element is used within a <FORM> element to provide a multi-line text input area within a form. The COLS and ROWS attributes are used to specify the width and height of the input area, in characters. Any text provided within the <TEXTAREA> element will be presented as the default value of the field. When the form is submitted, the value of the element's NAME attribute and the contents of the text entry box will be presented to the server as a name-value pair.

List Member Elements

<DD>, <DT>, <LI>


<DT> ... </DT> <DD> ... </DD>
May Appear In:
May Contain:
Block Level Elements, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within a definition list, <DD> elements are used to provide the definitions of terms. Each <DD> element should be preceeded by a <DT> element, which provides the term being defined.


<DT> ... </DT> <DD> ... </DD>
May Appear In:
May Contain:
Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within a definition list, <DT> elements are used to provide the terms being defined. Each <DT> element should be followed by a <DD> element, which provides term's definition.


<LI> ... </LI>
  • TYPE="circle | disc | square | 1 | A | a | I | i"
  • VALUE="value"
May Appear In:
<OL>, <UL>
May Contain:
Block Level Elements, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within an <OL> or <UL> element, then <LI> elements are used to produces list items. Text and elements within the <LI> element will be set off as a single entry in the current list. The TYPE attribute may be used, with the same meaning it has in the current type of list (<OL> or <UL>) to override the item marker type set for the list. In an ordered list, the VALUE attribute may also be used to indicate that this and subsequent list entries should be numbered or lettered starting with the specified value.

Image Map Member Elements



<AREA ALT="alternate text">
  • ALT="alternate text" (required)
  • COORDS="coordinates" (required unless SHAPE is default)
  • HREF="URL"
  • SHAPE="circle | default | poly | rect"
May Appear In:

Within a client-side image map, the <AREA> element is used to associate a region of the mapped image with a linked URL. Each <AREA> element gives the shape, specified with the SHAPE attribute, the coordinates of the region it represents, specified with the COORDS attribute, and some text, specified with the ALT attribute to be displayed on browsers which do not support images, and either a URL, specified with the HREF element to jump to when the user selects the specified region, or the attribute NOHREF, to indicate that the area should not respond to user selection. if no SHAPE attribute is provided, the default shape is rect. Possible values of the SHAPE attribute are:

a circle. The COORDS attribute must be provided, and its value should consist of the x and y coordinates of the circle's center, measured in pixels from the top left corner of the image map, followed by the radius of the circle in pixels, seperated by commas.
the default action for the image map. No COORDS attribute should be provided. The browser will jump to the indicated URL if the user selects within the image, but not within any other defined shapes.
an arbitrary polygon. The COORDS attribute must be provided, and its value should be a comma-seperated list of comma-seperated x and y values of the polygon's vertices, measured in pixels from the upper left corner of the image map.
a rectangle. The COORDS attribute must be provided, and its value should be four comma-seperated values, specifying the x and y positions of the left top and bottom right corners of the rectangle, measured in pixels from the top left corner of the image map.

Note that at this point, several browsers only support <AREA> elements with a SHAPE of rect.

Table Member Elements

<CAPTION>, <TD>, <TH>, <TR>


  • ALIGN="bottom | top"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
Block Level Elements, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within a <TABLE>, the <CAPTION> element is used to place a caption either at the top or the bottom of the resulting table. The ALIGN attribute can be used to specify the placement of the resulting caption.


<TD> ... </TD>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
  • COLSPAN="columns"
  • HEIGHT="height"
  • ROWSPAN="rows"
  • VALIGN="baseline | bottom | middle | top"
  • WIDTH="width"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within a <TR> element, the <TD> element is used to provide the data for a single cell of the table being described. The COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attributes may be used to specify the size of the resulting cell, in terms of how many rows and columns of the table it occupies. In addition, the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes may be provided in order to explicitly specify the size of the cell, in pixels. The NOWRAP attribute, if present, indicates that text which would be wider than the resulting table cell should not be wrapped to fit. The ALIGN and VALIGN attributes may also be used, to indicate the horizontal and vertical alignment of the cell's contents.


<TH> ... </TH>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
  • COLSPAN="columns"
  • HEIGHT="height"
  • ROWSPAN="rows"
  • VALIGN="baseline | bottom | middle | top"
  • WIDTH="width"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<ADDRESS>, Block Level Elements, Headings, Text Level Elements, text, character entities

Within a <TR> element, the <TH> element is used to provide a table header cell. The <TH> element is interpreted in the same manner as the <TD> element, but is generally rendered in a bolder typeface, or otherwise emphasized. The COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attributes may be used to specify the size of the resulting header cell, in terms of how many rows and columns of the table it occupies. In addition, the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes may be provided in order to explicitly specify the size of the header cell, in pixels. The NOWRAP attribute, if present, indicates that text which would be wider than the resulting table cell should not be wrapped to fit. The ALIGN and VALIGN attributes may also be used, to indicate the horizontal and vertical alignment of the header cell's contents.


<TR> ... </TR>
  • ALIGN="center | left | right"
  • VALIGN="baseline | bottom | middle | top"
May Appear In:
May Contain:
<TD>, <TH>

Within a <TABLE> element, the <TR> element is used to provide a row in the table being specified. All <TD> and <TH> elements within the <TR> element will be presented as a single row of the resulting table. The ALIGN and VALIGN attributes may be used to set a default horizontal and vertical alignment for cells within the row.

Deprecated Elements



May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <LISTING> element is an obsolete element provided only for compatibility with older documents. All characters enclosed within the <LISTING> element are treated as text, even if they would normally be interpretted as markup elements or character entities. Note that many modern browsers interpret this element as if it were a <PRE> element, instead. It is very bad style to use this, or other deprecated elements in a new HTML document, as this element will most likely disappear from a future version of the HTML standard.


May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <PLAINTEXT> element is an obsolete element provided only for compatibility with older documents. The <PLAINTEXT> element appears directly within the <HTML> element, in place of the document body. All characters enclosed within the <PLAINTEXT> element are treated as text, even if they would normally be interpretted as markup elements or character entities. Note that many modern browsers interpret this element as if it were a <PRE> element, instead. It is very bad style to use this, or other deprecated elements in a new HTML document, as this element will most likely disappear from a future version of the HTML standard.


<XMP> ... </XMP>
May Appear In:
May Contain:

The <XMP> element is an obsolete element provided only for compatibility with older documents. All characters enclosed within the <XMP> element are treated as text, even if they would normally be interpretted as markup elements or character entities. Note that many modern browsers interpret this element as if it were a <PRE> element, instead. It is very bad style to use this, or other deprecated elements in a new HTML document, as this element will most likely disappear from a future version of the HTML standard.

This page was last modified on May 9, 1999